Falcons Landing

20522 Falcons Landing Circle, Sterling, VA 20165
Assisted Living · Independent Living · Memory Care · Continuing Care Retirement Community · Nursing Home

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For residents and staff
(703) 404-5151
For pricing and availability
(703) 940-0167

About Falcons Landing

While our community has beautiful architecture and abundant amenities, our richest resources are those who call it home. When you move to Falcons Landing, you will become part of a lively community... part of our Falcons Family. Here you will reconnect with old acquaintances and forge new friendships for the best years of your life. As one of our residents recently said, "Falcons Landing forever eliminated the possibility of loneliness."To operate a first-class, not-for-profit, Life Plan Community (CCRC) for the benefit of all former military officers, their spouses and widowed spouses, as well as senior level federal employees, GS - 14 and above and their spouses and widowed spouses. We shall provide facilities and services that support and enhance the health, security, well-being and happiness of residents. We also provide charitable services to our neighbors while fulfilling our fiduciary responsibility to our members.Falcons Landing is a "dream come true." A group of retired officers used to meet regularly for breakfast at Andrews Air Force Base, and one day they had a great idea. The Washington D.C. area should have an Air Force military retirement community along the lines of the one in San Antonio. They formed the Air Force Retired Officers Community (AFROC) and began a ten-year journey to make their dream a reality. The original Board of Directors visited communities across the country to determine what constituted the ideal retirement community. They secured financing and a perfect site, commissioned the design and found just the right company to build it. Falcons Landing was completed 1996 and the community is everything they dreamed it could be . . . and more. We are proud to say we have been serving our residents for 20 years!

Pricing for Falcons Landing

We're sorry. No estimates are currently available for this community. We recommend you work with a local senior living advisor who can help you with pricing. Click the button above to connect with an advisor.

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Morning (between 8AM and 12PM)

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Seniorly Neighborhood Insights for Sterling, VA (20165)

Discover crucial neighborhood insights from reputable sources like census.gov and epa.gov. Remember, this data offers a general overview of the area and might not reflect the area immediately surrounding the property.

Total population: 31,656

30% of population is 50+ years old, 9% is 65+ years old
The poverty rate is 7% lower for this region compared to the Virginia state average, which is 9%


6% of population identify themselves as Black, 12% as Asian, 11% as Hispanic, and 73% as White

Amenities at Falcons Landing

  • Furnished
  • Community-sponsored activities
  • Emergency Alert System
  • Transportation & parking
  • Move-in coordination
  • Concierge
  • Meal preparation and service
  • Special dietary restrictions
  • Professional chef
  • Movie nights

Care offered at Falcons Landing

Care services

  • Medication management
  • Assistance with bathing
  • 24-hour supervision

Ask a local senior living advisor a question

Seniorly offers a free consultation with a local senior living advisor who lives in your area and knows all the information about senior living communities near you. So go ahead and ask - they're here to help!

Katherine (K.C.) Ryerson
Katherine (K.C.) Ryerson
Sterling Seniorly Advisor
  • Families helped: 266
  • 2 years of experience
  • Need help sooner?
    Call us at (703) 940-0167

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    Seniorly is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of Falcons Landing. The information above has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. For exact details, connect to a Seniorly Local Advisor in Sterling by calling (703) 940-0167. There is no cost for this service. We are compensated by the community you select.
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