Brethren Hillcrest Homes

2705 Mountain View Drive, La Verne, CA 91750
Assisted Living · Independent Living · Memory Care · Continuing Care Retirement Community · Nursing Home

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For residents and staff
(909) 593-4917
For pricing and availability
(909) 300-7492

About Brethren Hillcrest Homes

Brethren Hillcrest Homes is a full-featured assisted living community offering a wide variety of retirement options from single-family houses to efficient studio apartments, all nestled within 50 acres of beautifully landscaped trees and gardens. The average cost is estimated at around $2,700 per month, depending on the level of assisted living care required. Individual housing units and apartments are available for those requiring very basic assistance, and facilities are available for memory care residents and for rehabilitative and chronic care needs. All units are monitored by full security and emergency response systems, plus a 24-hour assisted care staff is always available. This La Verne assisted living community offers amenities including a state-of-the-art fitness center gymnasium, an aquatic center with full-sized pool and spa, greenhouse and garden, computer center, sewing center, woodworking shop, meeting house with theater stage, library, fireside lounge, coffee bar and chapel. A variety of social programs and recreational activities are inspired by residents and organized by staff, including workout programs, hiking, crafts and various adventure trips. Residents are encouraged to volunteer and participate in activities, helping them to live enriched lives and continue their learning experiences. The assisted living property at Brethren Hillcrest Homes offers diverse opportunities to those desiring to spend their retirement immersed in challenging activities, social interactions and continuing to enjoy an active, fulfilling lifestyle.

Pricing for Brethren Hillcrest Homes

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Morning (between 8AM and 12PM)

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Seniorly Neighborhood Insights for La Verne, CA (91750)

Discover crucial neighborhood insights from reputable sources like and Remember, this data offers a general overview of the area and might not reflect the area immediately surrounding the property.

Total population: 34,080

45% of population is 50+ years old, 20% is 65+ years old
The poverty rate is 5% lower for this region compared to the California state average, which is 12%


3% of population identify themselves as Black, 10% as Asian, 35% as Hispanic, and 73% as White

Amenities at Brethren Hillcrest Homes

  • Furnished
  • Community-sponsored activities
  • Emergency Alert System
  • Transportation & parking
  • Move-in coordination
  • Concierge
  • Meal preparation and service
  • Special dietary restrictions
  • Professional chef
  • Movie nights

Care offered at Brethren Hillcrest Homes

Care services

  • Medication management
  • Assistance with bathing
  • 24-hour supervision

Ask a local senior living advisor a question

Seniorly offers a free consultation with a local senior living advisor who lives in your area and knows all the information about senior living communities near you. So go ahead and ask - they're here to help!

Tony Cheikosman
Tony Cheikosman
La Verne Seniorly Advisor
  • 4.9 (34 reviews)
  • Families helped: 4888
  • 12 years of experience
  • Top advisor: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • Need help sooner?
    Call us at (909) 300-7492

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    Seniorly is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of Brethren Hillcrest Homes. The information above has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. For exact details, connect to a Seniorly Local Advisor in La Verne by calling (909) 300-7492. There is no cost for this service. We are compensated by the community you select.
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